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By Anonymous - 31/07/2009 17:01 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the train when some crazy man started talking to me. I ignored him, and he tapped on my shoulder. He started blabbing and I just pointed to my ears and mouthed, "I'm deaf." He stopped talking. A minute later my phone rang and I answered it without thinking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 080
You deserved it 75 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess faking a serious impairment is always okay.

Don't be such a jerk. For all you know... he was telling you the secret of life! Dun dun dun... But no seriously, that plan was doomed to fail in some form.


Manutdfan539 0
KillaKingPerrie 4

Deaf people are being such ******* right now jesus christ STFU!

Rabbits 0

This is wen u say "it's a miracle!" :)

The phone also could have been on vibrate. How would he know?

Shesonfire94 2

the problem isn't tht op knew someone is calling, it is tht the op could listen to the person on the other line haha

Thabb 0

Say it was the vibrating feature. Well, you should probably mouth it

cuz hed prolly har the person on the other line?

104 that's halerious. that sounds like something from I love Lucy

-.- the problem isn't the ringtone. please tell me: how can you talk on the phone if you're deaf?? it would be a pretty much one way convo

MrSmOkEwEeD451 2

#114 she could say its on vibrate

Hiawassee 9

The problem is that they were talking on the phone . They could obviously hear the person on the other end, then .

accept... they answered and LISTENED to the other person on the phone lol.

slabee123 0

that kinda sucks. would've been genius though.

selenes 0

no, it wouldn't have. because faking impairment makes you an asshole, not a genius.

decibel_beads 0

i have to agree with selenes.

Yeah YDI for being a bitch. You should have just told him u didn't feel like talking. I hope you are stricken deaf.

you guys are so hostile to someone who didn't want to talk to someone on a train, so what if she said she was deaf that doesn't mean you need to call her names

ReasonsToFly 0

She was probably just trying to be nice, you're all the ones who are bitches if you were to say "I don't give a shit". Also, if you think about it in real life, that would be HILARIOUS, like something out of The Simpsons.

slushpup9696 12

why did you mouth it? you're deaf, not a mute

deaf people "unlearn" how to talk after a while, because they can't hear themselves

Deaf people don't really speak to well. As they've never heard anyone speak.

rafaelaugusto94 0
boatkicker 4

See you should have just ignored him. then you wouldnt have gotten caught in a lie. lol. silly.

I guess faking a serious impairment is always okay.

you ****, how do you think that makes the deaf people feel. im deaf. and that guy is a bloody wanker, ******* asshole. you people who think this was a good idea or think its nice need to go suck a big meaty black **** while you have an mace up your ******* asshole. YDI ******.

Jazzywrites007 2

Deadrose shut the **** up. He was being sarcastic. You're deaf, not blind. So What's your excuse for shitty comprehension????

Calm the **** down. I know a lot of Deaf people and for the record if you were really Deaf chances are you would spell it with a big 'D' because those are generally the people who care about this shit, unless you are deaf with a little 'd' in which case you most likely wouldn't give a flying **** about this. Chances are you aren't Deaf at all, you are just a dumbass.

laurlaurs 0

Capitalizing a letter doesn't mean you care.

she was trying to get out of an uncomfortable situation by pretending to be deaf. perhaps she could have done it better, but it really was not a big deal. so while she has an excuse, there is no excuse for your rudeness. at all. (this is in response to ... deadrose was it?)

Don't be such a jerk. For all you know... he was telling you the secret of life! Dun dun dun... But no seriously, that plan was doomed to fail in some form.

Remember, higher powers often appear in unexpected guises. You would do well to listen. Seriously, you could have come up with something better than "I'm deaf." Just pretend to listen, smile and nod. Or just ask him politely to be quiet. Or, if you're not in the mood for manners, tell him to **** off.

Everyone all ready knows it, it's 42. (Please tell me that you get that reference)

lol123mely 0

that was mean of you! lol xD