By yeastly - 09/07/2012 19:54 - United States - Amery

By yeastly - 09/07/2012 19:54 - United States - Amery
By Anonymous - 16/08/2019 12:00
By Anonymous - 28/01/2021 14:01 - Germany
By Anonymous - 12/02/2013 23:01 - United States
By Bottomless_Pit_for_the_NOMS - 23/09/2020 10:01 - United States - Miami
By stanky - 22/04/2009 04:37 - United States
By ocdeane - 01/10/2019 22:00 - Germany - Mainz
By Anonymous - 06/10/2015 21:57 - United States - Fort Worth
By Anonymous - 26/09/2020 14:02 - United States
By whyme - 07/02/2012 06:38 - United States
By KICKxASSxNINJA - 26/09/2020 08:02 - United States - Fresno
I wonder if Bella did that. It would explain why Edward Cullen avoided sex with her for so long.
#1 Don't bring twilight here, it's gay.
I can't stand Twilight either. I hate it when people get all whiny and say "How can you know Twilight sucks if you haven't read it?" Well I did read the books solely so I can say they suck. I wish I could have the month of my life I spent on the four books back. But back to the FML, yeah ewww, what was OP thinking?
67, There's really no point in doing something if you're going to go into it already determined to have a terrible time. Once you do that, it won't Matter if what you were doing was actually enjoyable, you're just going to ignore the good parts and focus on the bad. Never go into something expecting to hate it, because if you expect to hate it, you usually will, even if it's actually not so bad.
77, you're absolutely right. I actually tried editing my last comment to clarify. I gave the books a chance and didn't go into them with a "these books will suck" attitude. There were elements I did like but it was just overshadowed by what I viewed to be sexism if you read between the lines of the plotlines of all four books. I respect anyone's opinion on the books, I was simply stating my own. And word to the wise, baking soda panties would absorb the yeast infection.
This statement is false because that only applies to vampires. Not sparkling posers. But in all seriousness, Twilight is just all around a bad read. She graduated college in Literature and used the word "Handsomer." Now, I could point at the Editors for not catching her mistakes (which they should have so it's half their faults) but she should know better.
It took me a year and a half for the first two, I haven't finished the third. -.-"
Yup. This adds a whole new meaning to the term eating pu-... You know what, never mind.
Is this an actual myth? I've never heard of this one.
Put some flour and some butter in your pants. It won't cure anything, but garlic bread you'll make will be delicious!
I just came a little
Only a little? (Both of you)
Great, now I want garlic bread and marinara sauce.
Ooh yum, the monthly special.
thank you. for that lovely mental picture...
Plus, she'll already have the yeast to make the bread
89... that was the point of the original comment.
108- sorry I fail so hard at life
#63 i think i just vomited in my mouth
Typically I think they recommend using a clove. And 84, without ******'s none of us would be around. Crazy right? Have your parents not given you the "where do babies come from" speech yet?
91's comment goes so well with his picture.
Idiot. Go to the chemist.
I'm probably just some ignorant american but... is "chemist" some sort of slang for pharmacist or something? You're not the first to say it.
In Australia we say both chemist and pharmacist, doesn't really matter which one they are both the same.
well at least you didn't EAT the garlic. geez that would of been weird....
Since when does garlic cure yeast infections?
I know?!?! That's disgusting!
Sometimes natural remedies are a last resort for women with yeast infections. The yeast can become immune to the various anti-fungal treatments. And perhaps OP is pregnant, which can mean constant, painful and very bad yeast infections, where the only treatment is the canesten internal cream, which only makes it go away for a little while. In that case I really wouldn't blame OP for turning to natural remedies.
It sounds awful but literally put a peeled garlic clove in the ****** overnight and it will cure a yeast infection.
Let's hope there aren't any vampires in your family.
Who knows, vampire families are weird.
80- based on your user name, you're speaking from experience.
It's a funniest area to suck the blood, at least the victim dies happy.
I wonder if Bella did that. It would explain why Edward Cullen avoided sex with her for so long.
Put some flour and some butter in your pants. It won't cure anything, but garlic bread you'll make will be delicious!