By Wade - 30/05/2009 00:43 - United States

Today, I was sitting under a tree at a park. The dirt felt a little damp, so I assumed it was dew from the night. A homeless man walks over and asks me to move, then starts to pee under the tree, followed by another man. I was sitting in their bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 945
You deserved it 4 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gross. Hopefully you went straight home after- I'd hate to have people thinking that I peed on myself... or didn't clean myself on a daily basis, etc.

uuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhh how could you not smell it?????????????? shit son


kishycathiee 0

I bet you were 'pissed' off

You have a lot of nerve just walking into someone else's bathroom and sitting on their toilet. Next time, ask first.

Idk if I should feel sorry for u or the guy, so I'll share the condolences... hope u didn't catch anything, though! And #7, you totally rock!

P.S: Didn't the humidity of the ground bug you at all? I would've been annoyed by it

freemymindatnite 0

i feel so sorry for u dude

i would have beat the shit out of them. homleess people suck.

Ew...FYL indeed! You should go get checked for diseases...especially Hep. C.