By FUUUUCK - 11/02/2014 20:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I was Skyping with a guy I'm really into. I'm not supposed to Skype at night, so when I heard my mum coming, I minimized the window. She walked in before I could mute my mic and started bitching me out for flushing my tampons down the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 446
You deserved it 26 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI - why would you flush them down the toilet? That's stupid and bad in so many ways.

Few things make me laugh. Kids trying to go behind their parents' backs and getting embarrassed in the process is one of them.


rootbeerfanatic 6

Why is no one questioning how her mom knows she flushes her tampons?

Probably because she tried flushing the toilet and it clogged?

Awkward, but a great story to laugh about in the future. :)

I stayed overnight with a friend who flushed hers. I woke up early to use the toilet and lo and behold, a tampon was still in the toilet. Not pleasant. They're not supposed to be flushed! YDI.

Nastorrian 11

And to Think, if you would have been following the rules you wouldn't of been embarrassed. Imagine that.

Why would you flush your tampons down the toilet...

Because you don't want to stick them in your pocket?

Coeliacchic93 21

#70 they are supposed to go in the bin. it's not good to flush tampons, pads, condoms etc. I've been to a sewage plant when I was at college and those items cause problems

Yep the fact that you flush tampons is a YDI. I lived with two dumbasses who used to do that as well and at one point a pipe burst because there were a whole bunch of them stuck in one spot. I'm glad it wasn't my house. One of them even tried justifying it by saying they're "biodegradable" as if that means you can flush them. Even after I explained what that word actually means she still kept blaming it on poor plumbing.

You deserve it so much for flushing down tampons. There are even drawings in some packages warning you NOT to do it, so why on earth would you ignore that?? Thank goodness I wear a cup and don't have to worry about disposing tampons.

At least she didn't flush her condoms down the toilet.

I don't understand why girls make this mistake. Tampons are supposed to absorb liquid so it'll expand in the water pipes and that's never good news.