By FUUUUCK - 11/02/2014 20:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I was Skyping with a guy I'm really into. I'm not supposed to Skype at night, so when I heard my mum coming, I minimized the window. She walked in before I could mute my mic and started bitching me out for flushing my tampons down the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 446
You deserved it 26 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI - why would you flush them down the toilet? That's stupid and bad in so many ways.

Few things make me laugh. Kids trying to go behind their parents' backs and getting embarrassed in the process is one of them.


poisongirl708 11

I think you got what deserved. Do you even know that that stunt ***** up the toilet? Don't flush your tampons down the toilet dumbass.

but you're supposed to flush tampons down the toilet. unless it's the plastic part

NWO666 15

YDI for skyping, and flushing a tampon down the toilet.

you deserved it for flushing your tampons. Anyone who says this is an ok thing to do is stupid and ignorant. Unlike natural human waste and toilet paper, tampons are way stronger and don't break down as easily. All it takes is one getting stuck to have a problem which would lead to a few grand in repairs. Your mom should have punished you more for being so stupid.

Well you are an idiot for flushing your tampons, that's really bad for the plumbing

So many YDI because of tampons, and very few about what was actually the point of FML :D

I'm a guy, and even I know you're not suppose to flush those things.

Is nobody going to comment on why any parent wouldn't allow their teenager to Skype at night?? I mean, I understand not being allowed out past a certain hour, but not being allowed to Skype? As long as they're quiet, I don't see the problem with talking to people at night...