By beatricesank - 23/05/2009 14:03 - Canada

Today, I was straightening my hair when I heard this crunching, sizzling sound. Taking the flat iron away, I realized that I had just fused a spider to my hair with the heat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 004
You deserved it 6 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Arachnid girl. Just tell people its an exotic hair clip :)

Aww, its just giving your hair some protein. Ick though...that sucks


ouch that suckssssss!!! sorry for ya

Lol #25 D: omg ... lol all the girls who straightens must be freaking out.

christiecup13 0

omg that is so disgusting haha a crunching sound? ewww god.

Kylias 6

-Short-circuits.- Eww!! >///

Hahahaha I'm not sure if this was intended... but there are advertisements for hair straighteners on the side of this string of comments. I hate spiders, but I enjoy irony. =D

123_asdfghjkl 0

I'm sure it wasn't hard to get it out. Or just cut it out. This is so minor compared to other people's problems.

Nai_fml 0

Yet another point that proves people shouldn't waste time straightening their hair? :/

Poor spider! :[. Though, if I were you, I'd be flipping shit as well, lol.