By Anonymous - 04/11/2015 18:26 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I was suffering from acid reflux. I was told that drinking water laced with baking soda would help. Nope, all it did was create a huge belch that made me vomit all over myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 511
You deserved it 3 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Baking soda helps reflux quite well. If it didn't, it could be something else that causes similar symptoms, like gall stones or esophagitis. If the symptoms continue, rather than self-medicating or taking advice from "someone" (including me), go see a doctor.

damn I feel for you. I have a huge fear of vomiting so that is like my worst nightmare.


sweetandspicy 6

This works, but tastes bad. Drink one Tablespoon of RAW Apple Cider Vinegar per day. It cures Acid Reflux. I suffered for years. Not anymore!

ninelives4 1

It does work! You're supposed to belch. I don't get people who throw up at the drop of a hat. Learn to control your bodily functions.

Pay attention to what triggers your reflux. For me it's sugar. Adjust your diet accordingly. Also, Google natural cures before you take any prescription meds. Good luck, OP.