By Anonymous - 04/11/2015 18:26 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I was suffering from acid reflux. I was told that drinking water laced with baking soda would help. Nope, all it did was create a huge belch that made me vomit all over myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 511
You deserved it 3 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Baking soda helps reflux quite well. If it didn't, it could be something else that causes similar symptoms, like gall stones or esophagitis. If the symptoms continue, rather than self-medicating or taking advice from "someone" (including me), go see a doctor.

damn I feel for you. I have a huge fear of vomiting so that is like my worst nightmare.


Maybe you put too much in. It can actually work, I've had to do it myself while pregnant! Otherwise gaviscon, or alkaseltzer works good too!

Ugh, acid reflux is the worst, I always keep a pack of Tums nearby in case it hits

I find milk helps. A higher fat content milk is best but baking soda and water isn't the greatest. I hope you feel better soon.

effedUpandDown 13

Baking soda and water DOES help. You just need a little bit (about a tbls) of baking soda with a whole glass of water. Sip it and take your time with it. Don't gulp it down (if that's what you did).

cherryDcola 12

it's suppose to help neutralize the acid since it is a base but the taste could be revolting I suppose

mints usually help me(tic tacs,Altoids,gum,etc)

that actually works but it sounds like you drank a whole glass all at once try a little bit at a time anyway prilosec is a much better answer about $0.40 a pill also if this is a constant thing you should talk to your doctor about it