By Crashed - 01/01/2014 18:21 - United States - Evans

Today, I was T-boned at an intersection. My wife got pissed when I didn't immediately check on her, but rather the other driver. That other driver was my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 478
You deserved it 5 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL OP. You were just using your natural parental instincts, although it sounds like your wife has none.

Gee OP. That's gotta be rough. I just hope for the sake of your family that everyone is ok and not hurt. Hopefully your wife will get over it.


Well that's not good. Hope everyone is okay!

Mastradamus 9

It depends on which side of the car she hit, if she hit the passenger side you could have at least asked if your wife was okay.

in a situation like that everything happens in the blink of an eye you don't stop to think geez what side did she get hit on all you think of is.. DAUGHTER! DANGER! GO!

I think it's quite easy to think "I was hit on my side of the car" or "that's my wife's side of the car, better make sure she's ok" not to mention you can see the car thst hit you

Or the wife could have also said I'm okay.

Well, I guess we know where your daughter learned to drive...

Pretty sure that's why they are called "accidents". Sometimes it just doesn't matter how well of a driver you are, you can't avoid it.

Either way they are both your girls...they both are important but honesty I think your wife should understand...

JMichael 25

Hope everyone is ok OP. But it is your duty as the driver to make sure everyone included in the accident is okay. If your wife can't understand that she's a tad bit selfish.

Then, with OP as driver, it was OP's responsibility to check on the passenger in HIS vehicle first: his wife.

Trying to picture this scenario in my head to see who is at fault (and therefore which way to vote this FML). What is an intersection? Is that the same as a T junction in the UK?

an intersection can be 3, 4, or 5 way- possibly even more if necessary. and as for whos fault it is, it would depend on which side was hit, who was turning, whos turn it was, etc. t-boned basically means OP's daughter hit the middle of the left or right side of OP's vehicle, while OP was driving perpendicular to the direction his daughter was trying to drive. the end result looks like a T is made due to the impact area of the vehicles. OP would have been the top cross part of the T, and his daughter would have been the "stem" of the T.

Is an intersection a roundabout but without the roundabout? :D

crazytwinsmom 25

Correct. We call it 'intersection' because 2 or more roads intersect at that point.

So if an intersection can have so many connections without there being a roundabout, how do you get through them without hitting people? What are the rules for them?

crazytwinsmom 25

There is usually either lights or stop signs to control traffic. If there isn't lights or stop signs at all corners, then usually half of them. There are right of way rules as well.

#50 if you've ever seen how 99% of Americans drive you would understand why roundabouts are a terrible idea over here. I got to drive over in Italy a few months and was amazed that almost everyone knew what merging was. European drivers are insane but at least you guys know how to drive intelligently from what I experienced. On topic here, usually when a T-bone happens its because someone ran a red light. The rules are easy stop on red go on green. Yellow is the warning that the light is about to turn red so it should mean slow down, most people think it means stomp the accelerator and try to make it before the red, they're usually late and end up running the red and viola! T-bone.

I imagine a T junction is a three way? when someome says intersection it typically means a four way.

A t junction is one road joining another at a roughly 90 degree angle. So 9/10 times anyone being t boned at one is at fault (because they would need to pull out in front of another car).