By mdp624 - 16/08/2012 12:10 - United States - Brookhaven

Today, I was T-boned while going through an intersection. The guy who hit me accused me of not using my turn signal. I was going straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 734
You deserved it 1 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess next he will say that you drove the side of your car into the front of his..

Ah, the stupidity of some people. Sorry for what happened OP.


Quiet_one 22

What a jerk. Reminds me of the guy who T-boned me a month after I got my license. In my case I was turning left and hadn't seen him coming (the traffic light had been knocked out by a storm), so it was my fault, but after we had pulled over I was having a hard time keeping it together. So as I'm sitting in my car trying really hard to stop crying and not having much success, this jerkwad comes over and starts giving me a lecture on what I did wrong and why I'm an idiot, etc. etc. as if I didn't already know. Plus, my car took almost all the damage (it was nearly totaled, while his truck had a little scratched paint and some minor dents), so other than being a few minutes late to where ever he was going he had nothing to complain about anyway. Luckily the worst injury was my brother's bruised knee, but the "this is why you're stupid" lecture made it much more traumatic than it needed to be. People are awful sometimes.

sporty1200xlr 6

Reading this makes my left side hurt.... a lot, 8 broken ribs, fractured pelvis, fractured clavicle and a punctured lung. Old man blew a stop sign and I have not been able to sleep on my left side comfortably in 8 years.

theusual471 8

That's exactly what happened to me before but without the accusation :p

Maybe he wanted your flashers on. lol. That ******* idiot. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Some people just need to shut the **** up for just five minutes & stop accusing others when they do yet another stupid thing.

Then you should've used you're straight signal