By mdp624 - 16/08/2012 12:10 - United States - Brookhaven

Today, I was T-boned while going through an intersection. The guy who hit me accused me of not using my turn signal. I was going straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 734
You deserved it 1 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess next he will say that you drove the side of your car into the front of his..

Ah, the stupidity of some people. Sorry for what happened OP.


i gave myself 8 facepalms in a row after reading that........

Yarrachel 16

I almost got in an accident when a woman on the other side of the intersection chose to turn left across my path, even though I had the right of way, since I was going straight. I managed to stop just in time, fortunately. The worst part was, she didn't react in anyway to almost hitting me, or me honking and cursing at her. She just drove on with a completely neutral expression on her face, like she didn't even notice that she almost caused an accident.

zuzupetalsYO 11

87-You forgot "Today," and "FML". Why is it always about you!?!

which one of you ran the red light? that's the real factor...

jgriff79 23

Your car doesn't have a straight arrow? That's the problem. You should get one.

zuzupetalsYO 11

Go forward, not straight. You thilly gooth!

That driver was a dumbass in my opinion.

Should've turned on your hazard lights!

I must reply. Personal stake here. Nearly lost my mom in a similar situation in PA. Some douche Warlock, uninsured, driving his cycle gals car T-boned my mom. He blew the light, jaws of life, helio ride to U of P hospital in Philadelphia, 2 bouts of jolting her heart back, years of mental issues... OP, I hope you will be ok, and have a strong support system and one hell of a lawyer! Go for blood!