By stupid - 27/05/2013 11:16 - Lithuania - Prienai

Today, I was taking a bus ride home, listening to some music. The music stopped and I assumed my iPod's battery had run out. Turns out someone managed to steal it, leaving my earphones in. I didn't feel a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 013
You deserved it 11 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

I'm imagining OP's iPod is playing, "You've been hit by, you've been struck by-" Thief unplugs the iPod, snatches it and sings "A smooth criminal." The thief then proceeds to moonwalk off the bus with the rest of the occupants performing choreographed dance.


perdix 29

And this is why we never ASSUME, because when you ASSUME, you make a CRIME VICTIM of U + ME SAD.

Oh, Perdix, that's not how it goes! ASSUME doesn't even have enough letters for all that. That'd have to be something like... CRIVICUMESAD. You should never crivicumesad.

YeahYeahYeahOK 6

If your earphones cost more than the iPod, you're good. If the iPod cost more.... Then it blows. If it had been me and I was even half aware on what was going on I would be in a lineup for who killed Mr. x. I would have ****** the perp up for that shit.

Yes, I'm sure you're a total badass that has the capability of "******* up" a pickpocket. I'm absolutely positive you aren't exaggerating at all and wouldn't just look around bewildered like the rest of us would in this situation. I congratulate you on your bassassness.

perdix 29

#21, is that "bass" like the fish that rhymes with "ass," or "bass" like low-frequency musical tones (recently featured in a Nicki Minaj hit) that is a homophone of "base?" Both would work in this context.

Damn it. BastardCorrect© didn't fix that. I'll have to have a word with my dev team.

While I would check to see if it had died as I have thought about the OP's prob, I would still leave headphones in, stops the majority of people trying to strike up random conversations.

hannahsnyder69 16

I'm shocked someone had the guts to try to pull that off

Then you've got a lot to learn about this world...

thatbaybay 8

Go to iCloud you might be able to track it

Presumption is definitely the mother of all **** ups... iPods don't heat up that badly unless they're around or under a direct heat source... And when that happens, you check on your investment to make sure that's the actual cause of it going off as it displays that message on it...

CharresBarkrey 15

It seems as though YOU'VE presumed that OP had even mentioned heat at all... Go back and read it again.

28, are you sure you read the same FML as the rest of us? Because I don't really feel like you did for some reason...

UnluckyGenius 21

Which is why you should stay aware of your surrounding when out in public.

Try to invest in some JayBirds. I own a pair. You'll be able to hide your device after that.

Wait a second, why weren't you holding it or in your pocket?

I'll be honest, I frequently leave my iPod or phone on the seat next to me if it's free...I know it's not a brilliant idea...never had it taken before though!