By stupid - 27/05/2013 11:16 - Lithuania - Prienai

Today, I was taking a bus ride home, listening to some music. The music stopped and I assumed my iPod's battery had run out. Turns out someone managed to steal it, leaving my earphones in. I didn't feel a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 013
You deserved it 11 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

I'm imagining OP's iPod is playing, "You've been hit by, you've been struck by-" Thief unplugs the iPod, snatches it and sings "A smooth criminal." The thief then proceeds to moonwalk off the bus with the rest of the occupants performing choreographed dance.


A long long time ago (just now) I can still remember how That music used to make me smile... I knew that if I got on last that creepy guy would pinch my ass so I snagged a seat and sat down a while... but something made me tremor I lost the bass and tenor I saw him at the bus door steps I think I called out " stop that schlep" I can't remember if I cried When I read about his widowed bride but something made me snap inside "the day the music died"

Yeah, I would check to make sure it was actually dead, especially with my iPod because it has a tendency to just stop playing for no reason but once I hit play it starts again no problem. But either way, I'd think you would look at it, and if you noticed right away that it was gone you might have a chance to catch the person because they'd have to be fairly close to you...

Achievement unlocked: right under your nose

BriannaMGK 15

If you thought it died, why did you keep your headphones in? And I'm curious as to where your iPod was placed or you to not feel them taking it or be able to see it? We're your eyes closed?

Leaving your earphones in what? Nothing?

This thief must work for Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men. Look on the bright side; if this is the case, your iPod is now being used to feed the poor!

moonfull101 13

Wow whoever did it has a "talent". Sorry for you. Get a better one

Klaudas 8

And allways thougt my phone is safe, brcause the headphones are in and i'm listening to music :D

uhmaizing 3

lol who the hell steals an ipod. talk about obsolete technology.

timss4 19

I always hold my iPod in my hand or have it in my pocket... One could say I have trust issues lol