By jshi8 - 04/08/2011 14:35 - United States

Today, I was taking a dump behind a dumpster. I suddenly heard a noise and a vibration against the dumpster. It was a garbage truck lifting it to collect the trash. The garbage men started laughing and took out their phones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 850
You deserved it 79 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emmiep1011 7

what are you doing taking a dump behind a dumpster? Were you born in a barn?


If taking a shit couldn't get any dirty, let's do it behind trash. You do know gas stations are everywhere and so are toilets, although if you were pissing it would be a normal male thing to do. If I could whip it out and go for it I would.

cedeskay 5

I guess you couldn't make it to the bathroom???

why were you ******** behind a dumpster..? douche.

spazx 5
JPLovesAnimals 4

Are you homeless!?? It's called the John. Use it?? And anyway. YDI for being inconsiderate and leaving your shit behind. Pun intended.

Guess they should call you the "Dump"ster

Didn't know it was garbage day? Bahaha