By KMROYALShottie - 27/05/2009 04:50 - United States

Today, I was taking out the trash and I came upon a bill from a veterinary hospital. It was for $50 and it was a bill to put my dog down. My Dad said my dog was missing and I put hundreds of signs around the city. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 899
You deserved it 2 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ChelsiGotSpunk 0

Aw, dude that sucks. Your dad is a bitch.

Wow, I can't find the appropriate words for your I just say: Whatever bad happens to him in life, he will totally deserve it.


#51 and #56, right on. that's a ******* bitch move and is reason enough to beat the shit out of someone in my book, in killing an innocent animal because you don't want to take care of them. i hope he burns in ******* hell and gets castrated with a spoon! the ******* asshole

So your father thought that instead of telling you that your dog had died so that you could grieve and eventually move on with your life, he told you that he ran away, condemning you to a lifetime of wondering what happened to your beloved pet and false hope of ever seeing him again? Doesn't he realize that's worse than simple death? What's wrong with him?! I love my father, but I would kick him in the nuts and scream myself hoarse at him if he ever did that to me and probably refuse to speak to him for a long time. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please let us know what happens.

so you have to pay people to kill your dog? that's stupid if you think about it and yet in a capitalist society i guess that's how it works.

pappy1193 0

#60 sadly, yes. That is the "non brutal" way to do it, a quick gunshot the head is more "humane" if you ask me (if that is the correct word to use.) But people, his dog could have had a major problem and the OPs dad didn't want to tell him because he knew it would break him down. Some things are best left unspoken. FYL

aww im soooo sorry! ur dad isn't very nice to not tell u the truth. even though the truth hurts, it's nice to know it. im so very sorry about ur dog!

That's awful... What would he say when your dog never turned up? "Oh actually honey... Biscuit died..." What a jerk.

jdkfgkjdfb 0

Your dad is officially a jerk.

AnnaCPierce 4

what a jerk! id be pissed for a LONGGGG time.

Your dad is a piece of shit. You should put HIM down.