By screwwyou - 28/09/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was talking and joking with my boyfriend. He said "Hey wanna hear a joke?" I said "Yes." He said, "Our relationship." and walked away. He seriously dumped me through a one-liner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 135
You deserved it 5 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always heard chicks dig a guy with a sense of humor Oh the irony


stevenJB 25

Stab him In the eye with a really hot frenchfry?

aaron2run 0

I would never do tat myself but you have to admit it was pretty funny. Douch move tho

Did you punch him in the face and say "How's that for a punch line?"

deusbag 5

That really blows, but I did laugh a bit

TA: hey ED wanna hear a joke? CA: wwhat sol? TA: your quadrant2