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By Anonymous - 11/06/2015 21:20 - United States - Helena

Today, I was talking to an old man I met at a store. He just wanted to know a few things, and he asked about my day. I explained a few bad things that'd happened, then I thanked him for listening. He then asked, "So, how are we gonna do this?" He thought we were gonna fuck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 936
You deserved it 3 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone has seen a little too much ****.

That old dog wanted you to teach him some new tricks... O.o


Why would you tell a random stranger all your problems?

Because venting helps a lot of people, and your friends could squeal about your problems to mutual friends. It's like what people do on this site: They tell strangers their problems in relative anonymity so that they can vent without telling everyone else in their lives.

That is literally the entire premise of FML.

ColonelCusswords 24

Old dog needs to learn some new tricks

ColonelCusswords 24

Say yes if he has a lot of money to give you in exchange.

noonenoeone 22

I don't, but hey, I've got personality!

91hayek 31

This is how we're doing this: I'm going to go over there and help that other gentleman, and you are going to go home and ride your stair lift to your afternoon nap before I lick my lips and give you a heart attack. Bye.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Slowly, I imagine :)

Goblin182 26

Hey, if he stood and listened to you whine about your day there should be some payoff.

Despite what some people seem to think, being a decent or kind human being to someone you find attractive does not mean they owe you anything.

FlyersHockey 9

Poor old man, still thinks he's young and wild.