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By Anonymous - 11/06/2015 21:20 - United States - Helena

Today, I was talking to an old man I met at a store. He just wanted to know a few things, and he asked about my day. I explained a few bad things that'd happened, then I thanked him for listening. He then asked, "So, how are we gonna do this?" He thought we were gonna fuck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 936
You deserved it 3 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone has seen a little too much ****.

That old dog wanted you to teach him some new tricks... O.o


No fool like an old fool. I know. I'm old

Well, his life motto may be something like : Age is only a number

Or maybe: if a woman is nice to me she must want in my pants. Lol.

Best advice is when anyone asks how your day is, and they aren't family or friends or significant others, just say "fine." It's human nature to want to vent. But the reality is if a stranger is asking they are either being polite and don't really care, or they are being creepy. This protects you from both.

darthhera 11

They have people you can pay to talk about your life. They're called therapists.

Yeah this happened to me at the library, but he tried to have me get in his car. Scary as hell.

While it is social etiquette to ask about someone's day, it is also etiquette not to dump your problems on strangers. The correct answer is fine or good. 'How are you' is a phrase used by strangers to pretty much acknowledge your presence. Save your issues for friends, family & therapists.