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By drugbaby - 18/12/2009 19:23 - United States

Today, I was talking to my aunt about my brother's recent arrest for drug possession. I proudly told her that I have never done drugs of any kind. Her response: "Well, actually you were born addicted to heroin, so you had a drug problem long before your brother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 111
You deserved it 3 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, so....F your life because you were born addicted to heroin and havent touched any type of drug since that time? Obviously, it didn't affect you all that badly. Two of my cousins were born the same way and have had learning disabilities because of it. What did it do to you??

Uh wait, are you saying it's NOT a good thing to not have done drugs? Loser.


There are better ways to knock a gloating, young, family member down a peg or ten. When a sibling is in jail. that's not the time to talk about how much better you are doing but the aunt should have shown more class.

loveyahun 0

ok...i swore to myself I wouldn't have a stupid internet fight but this is rediculous. If I wanted attention, I would have gone to the mall and started a scence. Iburprophine got addicting to me because I got used to the numb feeling that made everything go away. The people who had it and didn't get an addiction, good for you. Everyone is different and everyone has their own adddictions. So build a bridge and get over it.

Actually, something is addictive or its not. Maybe you got used to it and it was hard to quit, but if you didn't go through withdrawals, you weren't addicted.

smish 0

okay, look. Advil, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen (which is essentially the same thing as Advil), are NOT addictive. Neither is pot. I used to be a major pot head, and then quit cold turkey, haven't given a shit about it since. You probably have very low self esteem, and feel like having an "addiction" (emotional or no) is the only way to get people to care about you. It doesn't work.

live_4_life 0

neither pot nor ibuprofen is addictive. if you THOUGHT you were addicted, you are an idiot. i've been smoking pot on and off for the last 10 years or so and never thought twice about stopping when i needed to. im wondering how one ODs on ibuprofen without seriously trying?? when i was training for xc i had to take up to 8 pills a day (all at once) to keep the pain away when i ran. at the time i was only 95 lbs, so please someone explain how much you have to take to OD? the entire bottle?

loveyahun 0

okay people. This is getting ******* stupid. I'm done with all this bullshit. All the teens who are replying to this, you are obviously getting all this information from your patents, in other words, you don't want to get your facts wrong so you go to adults who make assumptions about things they don't understand. And, for all the adults replying to this, you obviously don't have a life, so you come on here and try to make a point when everyone could care less about your opinion. I'm not trying to get attention because I have attention. I have no reason to want it. So everyone, this is rediculous, go bitch at someone you actually know who ISN'T on the Internet. Go kiss someone, save a life, help the homeless. Just don't waste all your time on here...

You need to try and become self-aware.

live_4_life 0

haha. im sorry to say that you sound like a middle school girl who keeps saying how they "dont want attention" as they continue to squeel and fall all over themselves. spare us your bull and take a hike. have a nice day kiddo :)

smish 0

Who gives a shit where we get our information from, as long as it's correct? I'll bet your parents didn't tell you about sex until you were a teenager. You obviously don't have a life either, though, because you keep replying to this. Practice what you preach. By the way, you spelled Parents wrong. You obviously do have attention, and that was probably your motive in the first place. I really feel sorry for people like you, your life must be really shitty if you have to go online and make up terrible things just so that you can get attention. live_4_life- you rock :)

Jenny444_fml 0

If the mom does any kind of drug there is a high possibility that the baby might have some damage but in most cases the damage is that the baby is born addicted to the drugs as well. Its really sad because the baby's did not choose to do any of that it just that they were getting the drugs from the mom. I would say its a very proud thing to not do drugs. Especially if most of your school is on them. Its a pride thing because you know that you have enough strength and dignity to not give in so easily. Its every persons opinion and i am proud i don't do that stuff because then i would just be another statistic. OP maybe your aunt said it as a joke but its not a situation where you want to gloat about something or make a joke so OP FYL and i hope everything works out for your family

Not FYL. Be proud that even if you came from something so dark when you were so tiny, you have done well to have chosen not to live that life, whether you knew about it or not. You should be proud of the choices you are making. =)