By drugbaby - 18/12/2009 19:23 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 13/05/2022 00:01
By cazorp - 05/01/2012 11:43 - United States
By anti-drugs - 21/03/2011 10:57 - United Kingdom
By me - 06/09/2009 21:33 - United States
Check yourself
By Anonymous - 28/10/2014 23:54 - United States
One-upmanship championship
By Jan - 18/10/2013 06:13 - United States
By Lovelysister - 21/10/2009 23:21 - United States
Tone police
By Firstborn - 16/05/2017 19:00 - Canada - Halifax
By Anonymous - 06/09/2015 06:59 - United States - Wittenberg
By Amanda - 13/12/2010 16:29 - United States
Top comments
I was born with drugs in my system and I turned out alright..I have a culinary degree and I'm working at Spago as a line cook!
I used to have a prob too. I overdosed once on Tylenol, twice on advil, and loads on ibueprophine(or however the hell you spell it. Ibuepeophine was like meth for me. I couldn't give it up and ended up taking a lot from my friend. When she found out, she made me flush them down the toilet and hid the meds everytime I went over to her house. I used to shake and start getting itches everywhere everytime she did this, but thanks to her, I'm all better now. So everyone who is born addicted, I'm sorry, I truly am. It sucks. But everyone talking shit about those who have a problem with any kinds of drugs, **** off because you obviously don't know shit about what it's like to be addicted.
Ibuprofen?? Ibuprofen is an over the counter pain medication it's next to impossible to overdose on it.
loveyahun, you are a douche bag..who the **** gets addicted to tylenol and ibuprofen??? you werent addicted to shit you just wanted attention..grow up loser!
everyone step off. I didn't get addicted to Tylenol, I overdosed on it and almost died. I'm not going to start a stupid Internet fight with you dickheads. Have a nice night.
I'm sorry about these dickheads. Addiction is a very complicated thing, and we all react differently to different substances. Live compassionately x
BTW ibuprophine is addicting. So all you dockheads who think you know shi, come here to Az and say to my face that it didn't happen. Then do the same to my friend. Goodnight.
ibuprofen is not addictive. stop being an idiot. you wanted attention, so you're pretending you've been addicted to advil and tylenol. i know people who've quit coke and X with less bitching then ur whiney ass.
Good for them.
when i was going out with my first ex bf i ended up getting addicted to pot really bad and i took nearly a month and a half to go through withdrawel and stop feeling like i needed the drug it was really scary
Cool story...
pot is not addictive. stop being an attention *****. unless it was laced, you should not have any problems quitting.
My words exactly, 79. I live in California, where the bill to legalize pot for recreational use was shot down. Not that I'm a registered voter (5 more years!) but that law should have been passed. Our state is broke, they can tax the hell out of marijuana because even if you can't OD, you can sure as hell get addicted and will buy it at all costs. It would have also saved money for the state because there wouldn't be pot addicts crowding the jail cells. But apparently, pot is meth.
Pots not addictive...
Oh wow. Ibuprofen is not addicting. I took it daily for years, anywhere between 800-3200 miligrams a day. Then I had to stop taking them. There was no addiction, no withdrawl. My pain level increased, since I wasn't on antiinflamatories (which is all ibuprofen is) anymore but thats it. And since you are confused, Advil IS ibuprofen. You don't get a buzz off of OTC pain relievers, unless you live in Canada where you can get Codeine. If you OD'd it was out of pure stupidity not because you were an addict. Ok, so maybe you had an emotional addiction, which is covered under stupidity since we're talking about Tylenol and Advil. True addicts simply cannot physically function without their DOC, which is why they will go to such lengths to get it. Its not like you can't pick up the generic version for like, 3 dollars at walmart for a bottle of about 200. And addicted to Pot? Come on people. Pot isn't addictive, but you will likely miss feeling high. I've known a lot of potheads in my life, many of whom quit cold turkey. No DTs, no withdrawl. They got bored, because sitting on the couch stuffing their face in front of the TV just wasn't as entertaining when they weren't stoned. Try to sell that shit to someone with a real addiction, like amphetamines or opiates, and they will either laugh at you or smack you straight upside the head.
Wait, so....F your life because you were born addicted to heroin and havent touched any type of drug since that time? Obviously, it didn't affect you all that badly. Two of my cousins were born the same way and have had learning disabilities because of it. What did it do to you??
Uh wait, are you saying it's NOT a good thing to not have done drugs? Loser.