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By drugbaby - 18/12/2009 19:23 - United States

Today, I was talking to my aunt about my brother's recent arrest for drug possession. I proudly told her that I have never done drugs of any kind. Her response: "Well, actually you were born addicted to heroin, so you had a drug problem long before your brother." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 109
You deserved it 3 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, so....F your life because you were born addicted to heroin and havent touched any type of drug since that time? Obviously, it didn't affect you all that badly. Two of my cousins were born the same way and have had learning disabilities because of it. What did it do to you??

Uh wait, are you saying it's NOT a good thing to not have done drugs? Loser.


alwaysalady 0

You're lucky you survived. How did you not know this before hand?

Silentknight 0

That is so... I don't have words for it xD

can one of the idiots that pushed the YDI button explain how is this the OP's fault?

Sometimes people just accidentally hit the wrong one I do it all the time

I didn't hit YDI but it could be because a family member was its arrested and she's sitting around bragging about how great she is?

Flutist 3

you were asking for that by being judgmental of someone with a problem. Grow up and spend time helping your brother.

Darth_Taco 14

Wow...I don't know what to say. I had a friend who was born addicted to crack. Besides being a little slow, he was perfectly normal. I didn't believe him when he told me. He was perfectly normal. I thought at most he has a mild case of ADHD due to his hyperactivity and his trouble paying attention sometimes. I just remembered another girl born addicted to crack. She told me she had with brain damage. I didn't notice it at all. She did better in English than I did lol. Anyway, you're so lucky. I'm a recovering opiates addict. I was on pills. Mostly oxy and Vicodin when I could get it. It doesn't compare to heroin, but that shit was so ******* hard to quit! I seriously thought I was dying most of the time I was in withdrawal. I actually wanted to, it was that painful. If it weren't for my stance on suicide and my faith in God I probably would've killed myself. This most recent withdrawal was the only time I truly considered suicide. I felt like it was the only way out. Thank God for my mom. Anyway, you're lucky and your brother needs help, not prison time. Trust me, not prison time!

Randall_Flagg_fml 0

To be addicted from birth, does the mother have to consume the drug while she is preganant? Or is it like... Conincidental??

Nooooo, the drug just miraculously appears in the baby as the mother is pushing it out. Of course the mother has to consume it while pregnant!

I dont like you and i think you agree. Prass, thats what you are (anyone but the earlier poster do NOT correct the word)

Gonna go out on a limb here and guess that your dad is in prison, and your family on the whole is what most would call dysfunctional.

heroin was actually manufactured by Bayer aspirin company and removed from market because of addiction. it is definitely possible to be born addicted without damage.