By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 16:46 - Ireland - Bagenalstown

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone, when I accidentally let rip a monstrous fart. He swore at me for being a pig, hung up, and has ignored all my subsequent calls. I try not to date idiots, but it's like I have a big old shithead-attracting magnet attached to me or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 139
You deserved it 14 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the fart fmls are always the funniest

Wow, like he never farts. What an ass. You deserve better, OP!


helpme37 0

Single women don't fart! We don't have Assholes until we either date one or marry one!!!

thatoneguy79 10

It sounds like you have a pretty good method for weeding out the arses and idiots. You know that if they can't handle a little gas they certainly can't handle the rest of you. Now we just need some way to mark them, so your time isn't waisted and other ladies in your area can help out to... I know; we can attach a dangly thing to their pelvic area. If you find a guy with a dangled, you know he's been checked and confirmed to be an idiot.

And im sure he farts in front all the time...jerk-off...

Morella 4

I'm rather surprised that everyone is picking up on your arrogance, rather than your flaw. A statement placed between two commas is one that may be omitted from the text. "... I, being a smart guy, has ..." "... I has..." You has no claim to smrts.

Maybe you are a pig. Act like a lady and you'd get treated like one. He wasn't and isn't wrong whatsoever. I'd do the same thing!

Well depending on how long you were dating him, maybe next time we don't fart in front of a guy so soon?

wdawson1970 4

You deserve it you pig, I leave women for that as its rude and disgusting!

acetheone 8

what category was it and how much did it measure on the rector scale?

Your boyfriend is an idiot. It is a natural bodily function to release gas. Just because it is a taboo that women don't fart doesn't mean they don't. They are just more selfconsious about it, trying not to do so in public. If he can't respect that then he doesn't deserve you. I garentee he releases his farts in public, as do most men.