By Anonymous - 02/10/2014 04:47 - United States - Olive Branch
Same thing different taste
How shocking!
By Anonymous - 04/03/2018 01:30
By dogless - 15/10/2019 06:00
By Anonymous - 28/11/2011 23:54 - United States
Are friends electric?
By Anonymous - 30/07/2021 12:01 - Canada - Bancroft
By fml - 19/01/2011 01:49 - United States
Classic canine move
By Anonymous - 23/08/2020 22:49 - Canada - Toronto
By ouch - 17/09/2011 23:42 - United States
Dog's dinner
By Bad Pet Sitter - 27/09/2023 01:00 - United States
By SientoBenteCar - 11/04/2024 13:00 - United States
By smellsofeggs - 26/11/2009 21:13 - United Kingdom
Top comments
It's shocking to know why people would want to use such a device on their pets.
Ydi for even having one of those things... Poor dog
why do you have a dog shock collar in the first place? you deserve it for putting your poor pet through that.
The shock collar doesn't hurt the dog, and it's not like they're enslaving the dog, it's just so the dog doesn't run away and get hurt badly. have you ever been shocked by a dog collar? Unless it's a Great Dane or some large dog the shock doesn't hurt, even for the dog it's just a pinch.
More like how careless of you to have your dog wear one of those torture devices. I am curious though, on why you would have your dog's collar in your hand while you are near a pad or the invisible fence.
Try putting it around your neck & shocking yourself, then tell us if you too think YDI for even thinking of using it on your dog!
YDI...I am a dog person. 'Nuff said
I don't understand why people use shock collars. Can't you just train the dog not to leave the yard? I've done that will everyone I've ever had.
Not if you're lazy.
Some dogs will not listen to stay in the yard. Hence the need for a shock collar. And you actually have to train the dog still with a shock collar. You don't just put it on the dog and throw him outside for a free-for-all. You are suppose to walk your dog around the perimeter for AT LEAST two weeks so he/she knows what the fence is. And on the third week you still walk the dog but you let them free range on the leash and if they pass the fence and get vibrated by it they know better for next time.
Shows how careless you are having such a device in the first place. **** your dogs life.
YDI. Why would any self respecting person use them on a dog! You wouldn't use it on a child. Although I know a few I would....
I'll say this for the millionth, and definitely not last, time: DOGS ARE NOT CHILDREN!
No but both are living creatures with feelings and understand pain.
Do you also not eat meat because of the inhumane treatment of the animals? Because, by your standard (living creatures with feelings and understand pain), the treatment of cows, pigs and chickens should be held to the same standards as children as well and no "self respecting person" would do anything to perpetuate anything less including eating the meat that fuels the industry. I'm just curious.
As someone from a family working with dogs, ignore the people whining about the shock collars, some dogs do need them. YLS on shocking yourself though.
yeah some dogs totally need to be cruelly shocked instead of being trained not to do something shock collars are just a way to train a dog with fear and pain I would never use a shock collar on my dog and I don't know anybody who would consider using it on their dog
My neighbours had one for their dog and he would still bark with it on he was so bored and lonely.
Sorry to hear that, generally I don't think they should be used for a dog that's just barking. My parents own a security company and our dogs are police dogs that do need them while training, they don't hurt though, I've seen them just shake it off and continue messing about because they're just stubborn and tough bastards.
I suggest your family gets a little better at working with dogs. Thousands of people train all sorts of dogs without them, so the problem isn't the dog, it's the trainer.
it's always ok to mistreat something or someone else as long as it's not you but when you're put in their place I bet you wouldn't consider shock collars ok then
Good! Now you'll know how your dog feels if you chose to use such a cruel device. There are much better ways to train your pet than shocking them to obey.
that's just stupid