By Anonymous - 02/10/2014 04:47 - United States - Olive Branch

Today, I was talking to my brother about how careless people are. Minutes later, I shocked myself with my dog's shock-collar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 915
You deserved it 35 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good! Now you'll know how your dog feels if you chose to use such a cruel device. There are much better ways to train your pet than shocking them to obey.


tony1891 22

didn't they have this or something similar on that show jackass?

I hate people who use shock collars on dogs, you deserve to be tased bro

PoisonOrchid 21

I've felt both a taser and a shock collar. They are no where near the same thing.

Tasers are designed to inflict pain and temporarily sedate a person. Shock collars are made to be a nuisance to your dog and cause a temporary tingling/tickling sensation. Tasers generate 1-2 joules and the collars 0.0003 joules. Huge difference, so no OP does not deserve to be tased.

You deserve it for using a shock collar on your dog

I don't understand why people use shock collars there are other ways which do not involve torture to train your dog.

You just proved your statement...good for you

Cageman123 3

Do u ever think that the creator of fml posts these to make sure we arnt saying I agree to everything?

Mr_Mole 24

You deserve it so much for being cruel to your dog.

The times I've seen a shock collar in action: Killer Karaoke, where the host makes the contestants wear one while trying to deliver food(they end up jerking and practically crying); A Pewdiepie video where he shocked himself every time he swore(he had to quit within five minutes even after he moved it from his neck to his leg); and on my step dad's step dad's hunting dog (it was some large german breed with a mustache & beard, I don't know what it was) (who ended up carving half inch gashes into a wooden coffee table and screaming). The You deserve it - ness really counts on how high the shock was. for all we know, it could have been the "did I really just do that" feeling of stupidity that makes him say FML, not that it actually hurt.