By bobbies - 15/04/2009 02:15 - United States

Today, I was telling my sister about how I am horribly depressed and how I can't function and she responded with, "Oh, shit! I've got to go Jeopardy is on!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 670
You deserved it 5 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like how some people here says they rather watch tv rather then listen to people bitch about their lives, but they visit everyday to read about people's fml stories, which is also people bitching about their lives.


people who whine about their problems drive me nuts. Go see a shrink or something, what do you expect your sister to do about it?

49, I had a friend that talked about suicide and then actually did it. Apparently, he was serious and not just looking for attention. So stop insulting people because you don't understand, you obviously have no idea what it's like to lose someone like that (and also are clearly not any sort of mental health professional). Why do you all hate this girl? How is she hurting you by just wanting her sister to listen to her? Everyone needs to vent to a close friend/family member from time to time, even you. There is no one that has ever held every negative feeling inside, so stop acting like you've never told anyone about something bad in your life. Get real. Just grow up and get over it.

Look, to be honest, no one likes hearing about shit like that. At least she made up some kind of excuse rather than telling you outright that she didn't care. And don't go saying it's because people are all jerks; it's hard-wired into us by evolution. People are built to hate losers, and oust them from society, thus strengthening the herd. Your sister chose to ignore you, rather than let you convince her you were a loser, which is about the nicest thing she could be expected to do in such an uncomfortable situation.

#56 Just listen. That's what a lot of people want. Someone to simply listen. It is not so important what they say back as long as they can unload some of the burden. People often have a lot of trouble going to see a doctor about their problems, so that is why it is important that someone listens. #57 Obvious troll is obvious. #59 Right. It sounds cool when you put it like that - as if you were an authority on the subject.

hmmm... What is... a cold hearted Bitch? CORRECT!

unlucky91 0

lol i like number 61 ! && yeah the fact that she ignored you for Jeopardy makes it even worse... that show really sucks.

Depression does hurt people. I feel sympathy that the OP is suffering from it. For myself, lately, I seem to be inundated with posts and e-mails and various other forms of communication. "Oh, I'm sooooo depressed. I'm soooo sad. Whine, whine, cry, cry, complain." It's getting to the point where my natural reaction is to roll my eyes and think "Not another 'oh give me attention' whinebaby" and immediately remove myself from the conversation. I can't tell anymore who really has depression and who just wants people to make a fuss over them.

ModernDayHippie 0

To Bobbies~ I feel your pain. I have also been having some major issues with depression. For quite a while this year, I was barely able to get out of bed to use the bathroom and eat; forget about classes. I just wanted to let you know that someone is there for you. Depression is very serious, and you need to get help. Please go to a therapist if you can. If you can't, and even if you can, I suggest meditation. If you need someone to talk to and don't have anyone, feel free to email me. [email protected] If anyone else reads this, please don't email me to complain about what I wrote or anything like that. I just want to help. However, if you read this and are having depression issues and you need someone to talk to, please contact me. Depression is a horrible disease that has very unfair stigmas attached to it. My heart goes out to anyone who has to deal with it, especially if they are not lucky enough to be surrounded by a good support system.

tiltwrestler 0

That's your problem right there- you're too busy b*tching about life instead of living it. You probably sit at home in your room, depressed about your life, instead of going out and living it like it should be lived. Also, you are too dependent on what other people think, and on others in general. When someone is dependent on others, but also lacks the initiative to have good social relations with others, problems such as depression ensue. You should get into sports and some clubs, as well as work out, go with ppl to the mall, go to parties, go have fun doing whatever, etc. If that doesn't work, seek counseling. But whining to your sister, at home, isn't going to do jacksh*t about anything. Take it from me