By blind - 24/06/2009 12:11 - South Africa

Today, I was texting a friend of mine. She mentioned it was her dad's birthday. I typed, "Tell him 'Happy Birthday' from me!" and as I pressed send, I remembered her dad was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 416
You deserved it 46 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

softbonez 0

How is she a terrible friend? It's like a person saying, "Today's my dad's birthday, but he's dead." Why bring up the subject?

I would be hitting my head against the wall O__o


meniacle19 0

normally if you just hit end before it actually sends it will cancel the message.

Yeah if you could do that on my phone I would've been saved from alot of shit... -__-

I've done this multiple times... Never works

not with my phone : ( learned the hard way

it was a f*in mistake, everyone saying that their a bad person is a moron. jeeeesus.

manoverboard 0

Well, if he's been dead for a long time, it's kind of easy to forget when saying something like that.

it's easy to forget that he's dead...? anyway, i think it really depends on how close the op is with her friend... my dad died, and if my best friend forgot that i'd be pretty upset. but if my other friends forgot momentarily like the op, it wouldn't be a big deal. last week my friend was halfway through asking me what i got my dad for father's day when he remembered... we just laughed it off. so don't worry too much about it :)

youaresofucked 0

OOOHH NO! No way. Big chance that you're ******.

hahahahaha! this is definitely something I'd do too :( hopefully she didn't take it the wrong way...

I almost did that to someone but stopped at the last second and it doesn't make you a bad person at all.

Funtertaining11 0

Neither is a bad person. It was an honest mistake. At least the OP cared. Things like this happen. Leave it at that;)

Crystalyo 0

FAIL. Although I will say I'm sorry, but I don't think you're a bad person lol. I feel really bad for laughing at this FML, but it was kind of funny. (not the dad dieing part)

IllegalLight 0

hopefully your friend is not one to get offended easily.