By pinoyson - 11/10/2009 21:24 - United States

Today, I was texting a girl that I've liked for some time. When I asked her what she was doing, she replied "texting and p.s. I love you". I replied by telling her my feelings for her. Turns out "p.s. I love you" was the name of the movie she was watching with her friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 927
You deserved it 12 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww. Didn't it kind of sound like a random thing for her to say? That sucks anyway. Hopefully you didn't scare her.


That's a good movie...but how is that an FML? The fact that she didn't say anything romantic back to you? She probably didn't know what to say =/ Or she was distracted by the hot Irish guys running around without shirts on =P

This is only an FML if she didn't feel the same, and even so, better you got it out then being stuck wondering.

To all those people who say YDI for telling her how you feel over text.....I completely disagree. I"m not suggesting we should live our lives behind our gadgets, which seems to be the trend more and more, but there is nothing wrong with expressing yourself through the written word. However, I do have an issue with people who use the written word vaguely, with bad grammar, missing words, and incorrect punctuation. Not only does it make it hard for people to understand the message you're trying to get across, but it makes you look uneducated. If she had written "texting and watching 'PS I Love You'", without dropping random words and using quotation marks, this never would have been an issue.

SamShakedown 0

I knew it was the movie the moment I read it. And for all of you being so touchy over the matter- why? It's a waste to get all worked up over someone and their problems. RELAXXXX.

It is very amusing to come on here and read everyone fighting about every little thing. "OMG, your opinion is different from mine!?!?!?! You're stupid!!" "WTF?? Your grammar sucks!! Here, let me show you how bad my grammar is while trying to call you out on yours." "OP, You deserve it because my life sucks and I'm very insecure!" Thank you all for bringing me amusement every day!! :-D

It could have been worse. Imagine what OP would have done if the ladies were watching "Feel Up My Ass"

Isn't "PS I Love You" also a Beatles song?

ouch. "watching p.s. i love you" would have been very helpful.