By Anonymous - 20/04/2013 01:16 - New Zealand
Same thing different taste
By never thought I'd say that - 22/08/2013 19:05 - Norway - Stavanger
By COCKYmanUSC - 12/09/2011 02:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/02/2017 06:00 - United States - Frederick
By Diesel - 03/05/2011 14:23 - Belgium
By Anonymous - 08/02/2013 21:20 - United States - Woodbridge
By sam - 17/01/2011 03:32
By Garry the Gluten-Free Pizza - 13/09/2016 21:17 - United States
By Potato_Lord - 12/11/2015 04:11 - United States - Madison
This is how I roll
By Carrie P - 14/08/2024 20:00 - France - Lambesc
By areyouserial - 05/12/2011 13:21 - United States
Top comments
#13, except that OP is in New Zealand. But still, time to start that exercise routine.
#13 had all her sanity drained so they had to start siphoning off her intelligence.
16- they were invented in 2001, so, not really the future. And 21- idk if an exercise routine could even help, those things can go up to 12.5mph (20 kph)!
an average human on a dash can do 20 kph
#54 Assuming you have a spear, proper footwear, and everything I read on the internet is true, I'd have to believe you.
They see me rollin' , they hatin'
Yes, 69, thank you for clarifying the first comment. NOW I understand.
Don't ever trust them
You shouldn't have mentioned THEM. Beware, #2.
THEY are always watching, so watch your comments.
Did you say THEM?!? *runs away screaming*
Damn the inimitable collective of "THEM."
Why didn't you catch him?!
What you don't know is that this Segway was equipped with a mustang v8 engine. The car is now just a storage box for other throwing items, like tomatoes and used condoms.
Segway has a top speed of 15+ MPH. Tell me you would have caught him on foot.
Yes, I could most certainly have speared the **** out of him. We're not talking about an extended run here. This would be a full-on sprint, 20 seconds tops, considering the average human who is in shape can run between 17 and 22 miles an hour (with proper footwear). World class runners have hit about 28, though that would obviously be holding the bar a bit high. If you don't believe me, or you can't sprint for 20 seconds, my guess is that's because you're in poor shape, and I recommend starting a cardio regimen.
But you assume that he was even with the segway when he tried to catch him. catching up to someone going 12 mph is a lot harder when they're a good distance away.
You just got schooled
The average human runs 22mph? World class sprinters have reached that but definitely not the average person. And why in the world would you have a spear lying around?
55- I don't assume shit. Twenty seconds TOPS. That could be shorter depending on reaction time. Though I could understand being so flabbergasted by a segway egging to just stand there dumbfounded. 65 - Average person: 17 to 22 mph World class: 28 mph Learn to read, please. Being willfully Eeletterote isn't cool. Also, spear as in tackle.... An egging may be a dick move, but murder is not an appropriate response.
Because it all happened in middle earth.
How did you let him get away?
Very slowly
Who does this kind of thing on a segway?
Happen*? I'm confused are you missing a word?
People conducting themselves in the manner of a boss do this.
Betty White and the cast of Off Their Rockers...
Did you try following him?
sEGGway ************

Never trust a guy on a segway.
sEGGway ************