By Confused - 13/05/2013 14:39 - United States - Bath

Today, I was told I would not be getting the job I was offered because I failed my drug test. They never gave me a drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 637
You deserved it 3 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did they set one up and you failed to show up to it?

So high you don't remember taking the test ehh?

kathryn14 19

I guess that's why you failed it.

Not taking a drug test equals failing it? That kind of screws up "innocent until proven guilty."

perdix 29

They were testing whether you'd bring them some Oxycontin and crystal meth, and you didn't, so you failed. You need to know the current business etiquette, like for instance, on your resume, you should put every NOUN in all CAPS. You need to learn to bring celebratory drugs to your new bosses, as opposed to the liquor of yesteryear.

Capitalizing "high" in highly was highly unnecessary.

euphoricness 28

Don't you mean HIGHly unnecessary?

That's some good weed, dude. Hook a brother up!