By Anonymous - 10/06/2016 17:02 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had to take a drug test for my new job, which I desperately need and which took me over a year to land. I got a shy bladder and couldn't pee. They marked me as non-compliant and revoked the job offer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 710
You deserved it 1 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is no laughing matter, OP! Discrimination based age, race, gender, or disability—including shy bladder—is not funny. If you or a loved one are on the receiving end of shy bladder discrimination, call our hotline at 1-800-PIS-DOFF and know that you are NOT alone!

That's awful OP! Having a shy bladder is common. I have a shy bladder. Try and see if you can apply for the job again and then drink plenty of water before the test, but not too much so you don't ruin the test. I did that for my current job and it helped a lot. Hope this helps! :)


That's awful OP! Having a shy bladder is common. I have a shy bladder. Try and see if you can apply for the job again and then drink plenty of water before the test, but not too much so you don't ruin the test. I did that for my current job and it helped a lot. Hope this helps! :)

That is no laughing matter, OP! Discrimination based age, race, gender, or disability—including shy bladder—is not funny. If you or a loved one are on the receiving end of shy bladder discrimination, call our hotline at 1-800-PIS-DOFF and know that you are NOT alone!

Please help, Tripartita. My bladder is so shy it faints when it sees itself in a mirror. People laugh and call it fat when they see it, and it cries at night huddled in a little ball. You are my only hope.

I can't help but read your bladder "cries at night" as a potential bed wetting problem.

You're not alone. Many have fallen victim with this issue. Some have lost their freedom because of it.

I too have a shy bladder. I've avoided applying for certain jobs in the past because of it. It's funny because I am drug and alcohol free, I'd have to TAKE drugs in order to take the test.

Learn to pee in front of other people and study for said examinations withloads of water before hand

mariri9206 32

There are other ways to take a drug test. For one of my past jobs, I had to take one but they do it on the spot and they had, like, a pen kind of that can test for drugs with your saliva and give instant results. Maybe see if they can use that instead? Just make sure you haven't chewed any gum before you take it, if they allow it, cause that can alter the results.

I've had this issue with my drug tests as well. Except they gave me a second chance to try it and if I failed to produce with that one then I would've been marked non-compliant. I'm surprised they didn't allow you to do the same.

Couldnt they give you like a few more glasses of water just to finish the job