By babydoll - 12/10/2010 09:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I was traveling by bus. There were no spare seats, so I stood next to a seated lady. When she got off at her stop, I was amused because her bum made the shape of a mushroom on the seat. I went to sit on it. So I'm sitting there when I realise the seat is really warm... and wet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 059
You deserved it 8 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Graawr 7

Hah! now you have a mushroom mark on your skirt or jeans. :D


sallen0046 4

You took the time to notice her butt impression, but didn't have enough common sense to notice that the seat was wet... Take this as a sign that you need to utilize your powers of observation for logical purposes, not just your own amusement.

I thought it was a bum engravement because she had been sitting there so long. Also, it was to do with the fact I didn't use my common sense, haha. :')

sorry i really didnt mean to pee.....ahha jking it wasnt me but ydi for trusting an old lady's butt mark

To OP, yeah your life sucks XD What bus number were you on? I'm on Fife stagecoach buses all the time, gonna make sure I'm never on the same bus as the same woman :L having said that, the 55 is petrifying at night full of the chavs from Dunfermline and Inverkiething D:

Yeah it was the X24 Dunfermline bus! LOL. Her stop was actually at Dunfermline, and she was kind of chavy! I totally get you, I travel at night aswell on a bus that goes through Dunfermline and Kincardine. Like, chav central, hahaha.

You ever been on the 19 with a junkie off his face on something? That ***** pretty scary

loquitaxD 1

lol that sucks! I hate the public busses here

dat shit is nasty! **** public transportation or endure standing.