By Anonymous - 25/09/2010 14:45 - Malaysia

Today, I was trying to apply some toothpaste on my pimple to help dry it out. My mum came from behind and hugged me, making me accidentally apply minty toothpaste into my right eye instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 868
You deserved it 4 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BananaTroll 0

I love brushing my pimple too. It keeps its breath fresh and clean.

At least of some wacko comes up to you and sniffs your eye, it'll smell minty fresh ^_^


skyttlz 32

your right eye. if it was your left eye, it woulda been fine. but your RIGHT eye? FYL! 

Your mom made you poke minty toothpaste into your eye. oh wait...

Maxaddicted 3

146 - Grow up. I'm allowed to state facts; if you have a problem with it, don't read the post.

kittykiller897 0

Do you and your mom always just walk around hugging one another?

hey, at least she loves u enough to hug u at random, or whenever it isn't asked for

Ew..toothpaste on a pimple..they make proactiv for that

DisappearingRose 18

Don't you usually do this kind of stuff in front of a mirror?

CyonideCyns 0

181: you say this yet you act like a total ******* bitch whenever someone states their own belief. how about you do us all a favor and you yourself grow up? Stop trying to demean every little comment that every person posts. They are not perfect and can often be very stupid or ignorant but so can you, so I think you need to just relax and leave them the hell alone. JUST SAYING :)