By cashier - 12/07/2009 00:33 - United States

Today, I was trying to clean the belt of my register at work at a grocery store. I noticed two strips of rubber stuck in the corner of the belt, and after pulling on them periodically all morning one finally came loose. It was a foot. I had been pulling at a dead rat trapped in the belt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 584
You deserved it 3 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments


forget_it_all09 0

eek!! I seriously just jumped up and ran around my room to get rid of the yuckiness... FYL for sure.....ewww

Haha, that's really gross. Poor rattie, though =(

birds_fml 7

Everyone, settle down. All, and I mean ALL, grocery stores have rats. Mostly they eat garbage, if the store is careful about storing food. But this is one reason to ALWAYS wash your produce. A good store won't have too many rats, a bad store will have an infestation. The fact that you found a dead rat in your register belt suggests there's way too many of them.

Where do you live, Calcutta?! I can assure you that in civilized parts of the world there are at least SOME stores that don't have rats.

Mata_Hari 0

Where do you live #36, a plastic bubble? There is absolutely NO STORE (maybe a 1%) that has not at least had an incident with rats. And by incident I mean a "problem" or a "OMGRAT/SCREAM" moment. Doesn't matter how "civilized" your country is. And don't disregard my comment because of my location, I was born in the USA, and have lived in Guatemala for the past for five years - and actually, I've been in some stores that were cleaner than anything you'd ever see in the US.

dyingstart 0

Look on the bright side, at least you got it out sooner rather than later. It could have started to stink or may have popped out when a customer was there. For all we know, the latter happened.

decibel_beads 0

that is so nasty. at least it's gone now - hope you scrubbed your hands and arms.

ohschmoley 0

Oh, holy shit. Someone get the antibacterial soap, stat.

Eh? How do you mistake a rat's paw for a piece of rubber? Rat paws look like... well, paws. They're pink, they've got claws, and they have small lumpy pads on the bottom a bit like dog paws. The top has fur. They don't feel like rubber, they feel like small non-stretchy skin-covered boney limbs. And they're pretty firmly attached, they aren't going to just pop off when you pull them. Sorry, but I don't see how this is possible. =S

Do you realize that it was in the belt of the register? Those things move. The rat probably got smashed so it would flatten.

ZombieLoveA 0

Plus, it didn't just pop off. OP said she had been tugging at it all morning.