By NoBabies - 09/11/2014 04:06 - United States - Tucson

Today, the last of my close friends announced she is pregnant. Meanwhile, I'm single and my nest is empty. Well, not exactly, because even my freaking cat is pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 537
You deserved it 5 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why women feel like they must compete to see who gets married/involved and knocked up first. It's not a contest, wait until you are in love with a responsible guy, and you're emotionally and financially capable of taking care of another human being.

Guess there is a more fertile pussy living with you.


Guess there is a more fertile pussy living with you.

If it was a contest, the prize would be herpes.

I don't know why women feel like they must compete to see who gets married/involved and knocked up first. It's not a contest, wait until you are in love with a responsible guy, and you're emotionally and financially capable of taking care of another human being.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

agreed. im 25 and have no kids and im not in a rush. enjoy life..dont rush it.

raise your hand if you thought you were in love before and were wrong. or if you knew exactly what kinda person you were having sex with. that's the thing. you don't know. you can't know because most people who tell you about love, don't know themselves. all you can know is yourself and what you're capable of.

sourgirl101 28

I'm sure there's more to it then that. When I got married and had my children, I slowly lost all my single friends. We just drifted apart because our worlds became so different. They hated that I couldn't just get up and go clubbing with them at all hours of the night and I'm sure they grew bored of hearing about my kiddies' milestones.

This is nice in theory, but it doesn't really always work out that way. While you DO still have all the time in the world when you are in your twenties, once you are in your mid to late thirties the probability of a non-IV pregnancy droppes dramatically. So, if OP is in that age bracket and doesn't have a suitable partner at the moment, I can see how she is frustrated since she obviously really want's to have children.

I think to really understand OP, you would have to know what it feels like to want a child and not be able to have one. Its soul crushing to see everyone around you having babies while having to be happy for them. I am guessing OP wants the man, relationship and financial independence that would facilitate her being able to have a child. But not having those either, just makes the pain that much worse as its just another reminder of how long its going to be. I speak from experience, my husband wasnt ready until 5 years after I was but I waited for him. It took 3 more years of trying and 4 miscarriages to get my beautiful boy, now 6 months old. I know OPs pain, its physical, mental and emotional, again -soul crushing- be kind to her.

You might be a fertility goddess with a somewhat ironic twist.

dancer824 18

Don't worry OP your time will come!

Give it time OP...great things come to those who wait...

TwinkleToes7 15

Yes what she said, kittens are tons of fun!! They are super adorable. Don't rush into anything you will meet the right guy for you OP!

It's just not your time will come. You should travel or do any other thing that pregnancy makes difficult to keep your mind off it a bit :)

who needs boyfriends? be glad you don't have to worry about looking good all the time! enjoy life and keep living until it's time for babies

I don't know what kind of guys you've been dating, but you don't ever have to "make yourself look good" for someone else. If you want to put on make-up and do your hair and wear nice clothes for your own confidence and self esteem, great, but don't EVER feel pressured to make your self up to please someone else. Yes, looks matter at least a little bit, anyone who says they don't quite frankly is lying, but they are only a minor part of a person, and looks can change in an instant, nobody has them forever. If they aren't attracted to the real you, the one underneath all that troweled on slap, then it is fighting a losing battle from the off.

I don't make my girlfriend look good for me, she's come over to my house right after she woke up, didn't change, nothing. Guys don't make their girlfriends look good. If you're looking nice for someone, it's your own choice. No one else can MAKE you look good