By Blondie - 05/05/2011 20:01 - Lebanon

Today, I was trying to convince a friend that even though I'm blonde, I'm not the oblivious or stupid moron everyone apparently thinks I am. Then I smacked face-first into a glass door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 059
You deserved it 31 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

apparently you ARE an oblivious and stupid blonde


chasity_27 2

either I'm having de ja vu or I've seen this FML already. I'm pretty sure I've seen this same one before. FYL

nixom1334 6

That's god's way of telling you you are as stupid as people say

kinga08 0

Yes! I completely agree. If it's a stranger, okay, I get the accusation, but your friends know you beyond being just being a blonde. Also, I work in retail, and I will be the first to tell you, I deal with morons on a daily basis. They aren't blonde most of the time. Everyone has their ditzy moments, and unfortunately, when it happens to a blonde they deal with the ridicule of the stereotype.

TrollHouseCookie 0
SpazzyJazzy325 0

well the proof is in the pudding. or the blood on the glass door either way

ccheart55 5

the same thing always happens 2 me! I'm blonde and taking all honors classes and I'm in the jr. honor society but as soon as u say I'm not stupid u do something stupid