By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 03:10 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at a school, as I walked past the swings these two girls smiled and said "wow, you are so pretty!". I smiled back and said "awww, well thank you!." As I walked past I hear them laughing, "she actually believed us." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 524
You deserved it 5 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww that sucks I'm sure you're pretty! Kids can be quite bitchy

In times like these, I call up the advice of one of my youth leaders of old: Don't let assholes rent space in your head. How old were these girls? Because schoolgirls can get REALLY immature when putting others down (to be fair, so can boys). Don't take it personally, they're just looking for a way to boost their own low self-esteem


I wanna kill those stupid midget kids, their so fkn annoying

Girls can be bitches. I would know, I am one. Eh, they're probably just jealous and need to feel better about there loser-selves. Or they did it for attention, to look cool. Stupid attention ******.

its ok kids do it all the time. im sure your pretty (:

Illyssa_fml 4

That's when you say "Your dad seems to think so too" haha

eh some people are **** ugly, I'd know I'm one of em

here's what you do. because their smaller then you, wait until their swinging and when one of them is as high as they can go, stick your leg out. and repeat x]