By paranoid neighborhood - 27/11/2013 17:51 - United States - Orlando

Today, I was walking back home from a party, when I received an email from our neighborhood watch. It said to beware, because a "thug-like" stranger with a white shirt and brown hair had entered the neighborhood. My hair is indeed brown and I was wearing a white shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 352
You deserved it 4 229

Same thing different taste

Not a morning person at the best of times

By shouldhavestayedinbed - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my doorbell rang while I was still in bed. I leapt out and immediately got a severe cramp in one leg, then, staggering around trying to throw some clothes on, I scraped the other leg badly enough to draw blood. When I got to the door there was nobody there, just a parcel on the doorstep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 700
You deserved it 2 183

Top comments

At least you're wanted! Some of us can't say the same.

Just be glad you weren't carrying Skittles on you.


be positive your thug like thats pretty hoss!

rdenkewicz 11

A lot of people have brown hair and a lot of people wear white shirts. Don't worry about it! There is a chance they weren't even talking about you.

Am I the only one that thinks neighborhood watches are a tad silly? I see that they can be good, like say you're away on a trip. I just think some people take it way too seriously, like Zimmerman...

Completely. I didn't know they did THIS kind of thing before now....I would hate to live somewhere like that. Seems judgemental and dangerous.

StompinOnCrayons 15

Well, you didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose you ;)

perdix 29

Well, if you're walking back from the party alone, the thug look is not working for you. Try metrosexual! Or Juggalo.

You didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose you!

I'm sure you'll be left alone hope you enjoy that...

flashback_fml 14

They didn't mention skin color though, how progressive.

Do you have a gory full body tattoo? Maybe a face you can't see through the piercings...? Sorry, I'm trying to think of an explanation here, I don't want to believe anyone can be that ridiculous.