By dude - 24/03/2009 20:52 - United States

Today, I was walking downtown when a bum approached me for some change. I planned to give a couple dollars but after pulling out my wallet exposing my cash, the bum beat me unconscious. The bum is a 5'0" tall woman; I'm a 6'2" male out $200. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 142
You deserved it 34 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, have you not learned to never take out your wallet or show how much cash you have on the streets? Thats just basic.

Bubs_fml 0

Gotta watch out for that Falcon Punch. Even homeless women can do it.


alloutbaseball 0

and ya i agreed with #69 this dude is a liar and #70 don't get butthurt.. i mean she is a 5 0" BUM she can't be strong (pending that this story is real) thus the 6 2" dude is either a skinny 6 2" 140lb weak panzy or he's just a weak panzy and just fyi even if you are a green belt, reach, size and strength plays a huge factor in a fight

ChelseaAnn08 0

I had to vote you deserved it. Basic street NEVER expose your wallet and/or cash. Dumbass.

ok u got own by a female bum that is 1 foot smaller than u, how did she hit u ? i guess she had to jump to get u or she got a stair, anyhow u got really slow reflex and if i were u i would call willie wonka and tell him that his worker hited me then i will proceed with suing him. PS: the rebelion of the ompalompa bums and they are meaner than ever before.

wanderingmaiden 0

#72 its not that important about the hight, i am 5' 9 and i weight 140 and i am a black belt in kung fu and almost a moe thai master, and have beat people bigger than me in weigth and size. remember this a fighter's strength and abilities comes from his head not from his sizes and muscles. appearandes can be deceiving.

Slightmisshap 0

Voting YDI because you were walking around with $200 cash stuffed in your wallet.

I know a bum who smells like pee, he is my friend, I call him Perry even though his name is Fred :(

What did she do? Headbutt your nuts? Real sorry bout that (must suck like crazy) but man.. This is just way too funny...