By Chops - 09/03/2009 06:35 - United States

Today, I was walking from my office to the place i had parked my car, a distance of approximately three blocks. As I was about to round the last corner I was forced to dive out of the way of a speeding car. As I looked up, I noticed that it was my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 99 818
You deserved it 4 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NOOOOOO WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY shit, that ******* sucks. i'm sorry, buddy.

'Cause you were there and would know right?


Hope you called the police right away to report it stolen - good news is, you should know your own license plate number so hopefully they'll find it fast!

Exactly, #11. Do these people think the OP got on his phone immediately after the car drove by and updated this? I'm guessing he checked on his car.

@#2 and 4, there are many ways to recognize quickly your car. Even if you have a popular model, you might have put some bumper stickers on it, have something hanging from the rearview mirror, have a custom license plate holder, a baby-on-board yellow sign, some kind of toy on the antenna, a flag... I have a popular model of car, and I can still see recognize it easily in a parking lot. Also, if some kind of crazy guy nearly ran over me, I'd try to get his license plate as he drives away... and would recognize mine, babyseats or not...

shibby123 0

OMG that is absolutely hilarious it sucks but seriously look at the funny side!

@16 I dont think that the OP will find a funny side. No matter how hard he tries to find one.

i don't believe it. yeah right! is it true or not?

That's just horrible. I've had 2 friends have their cars stolen within the last few days. Really sorry to hear it. Hope the police find the person and get it back! And WHO WOULD SAY YOU DESERVE THAT!!! Seriously wtf is wrong with people!!!

OMFG thats shitty:| did u report it or follow them or see there face

Dude that ******* sucks. To the people saying this isn't real, dont you think by the time the author of this got home to write this, they probably went to the parking spot their car was in and saw it was gone?

Taihen 0

That's the worst! Here's to hoping they don't blame you for stealing your own car! ...last time a car got stolen in our family we were blamed for stealing it. We were all asleep when it was stolen (late at night), woken up by the police asking if our car was missing over phone, and then my dad proceeded to freak out over the phone because he went to look outside to prove the car was there only to find that it wasn't. Needless to say, the insurance didn't wanna do much for us till they decided we didn't steal our own car. Good luck to you.