By lynn777 - 04/04/2011 20:42 - Canada

Today, I was walking home through the slush and snow when a car drove by, soaking me with dirty water. Frustrated, I flipped him off. He then turned around and splashed me again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 284
You deserved it 22 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunshinify_fml 0

At least you didn't flick him off a second time...

No, what was rude was the ******** who splashed him in the first place


At first I thought that guy was a jerk, but seriously that guy is an asshole. I say, find his house, pick a crowbar, and go Gordon Freeman on his car!

Norther 1

you deserve it for being too much of a bitch to throw a rock at his window or shoot him the next time he passed by

I know this sounds really mean but I would totally do that

Whatd you think he was gonna do when he turned around? Give you a lollipop?...

faillover 0

its only a half fail. you kinda deserve it but at the same time he splashed you first. so he failed then you failed

brittanywolford5 2

I wouldve puched their window!!

brittanywolford5 2
hosson 0

what a dick! people these days...

I feel bad for you OP but I laughed like hell when I read this!