By lynn777 - 04/04/2011 20:42 - Canada

Today, I was walking home through the slush and snow when a car drove by, soaking me with dirty water. Frustrated, I flipped him off. He then turned around and splashed me again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 290
You deserved it 22 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunshinify_fml 0

At least you didn't flick him off a second time...

No, what was rude was the ******** who splashed him in the first place


ivanoff 0
ivanoff 0

canaduh sucks by the way!!!

you suck by the way ( yes I happen to be canadain) ******

shut the **** up 35 stop trash talking other places you American **** head

You are a disgusting person. Maybe because your too cheap to pay for your health car when we get it for free. And "Canaduh" (which is actually spelt CANADA) Pwns your fricking socks off.

ya man listen to 124 he rocks mine and you socks off

Canada leaves you sockless so STFU #Who gives a crap 19. And wtf is wrong with Canada? Tell me, #19, WTF IS WRONG WITH CANADA? You fail, you biatch.

so standing up for your country is a fail ur a ******* ass

ivanoff 0

I guess Canada is ok... If it makes u cry about it. then I'll take my comment back. I live in San diego, which I'm pretty sure is way better than anywhere in Canada. just saying

it's all good I'm just kind of defensive or whatever the word is lol and I love the USA imma gonna live there

131- Okay, so I live in a small farm town right by the border. And one day I was on my way to Safeway to pick up some milk for my frosted flakes. But when I finally got there, there wasn't any left! So I went across the street to food Pavillion and they were all out of 1%! Until that point I really wasn't bothered by them, even though every once in a while they like to go clockwise through a round-about. But they need to stay the **** away from my milk. Go ahead, call me what you want.

what the **** ur mad cuz u didn't get milk ??

Boners, while I was reading your first comment, I was thinking "WTF? Is he actually making a mentally balanced statement?" I was really worried about you until you mentioned rallets.

2010smhill2010 0

#118 im ****** american and yes certian parts of canada suck like the ****** tundra in the middle of winter... canada also gave us Justin Bieber

I hate Hungarians and old people who don't know how to drive!!!!

noboundary 9

lmfaoo!! at the old people joke 231

itsbryn 0

Iloveggnog. I know. he's got his stuff together. and hey. I'm american. and I really want to visit Canada. it seems so cool. and I swear. I'll rage comment if someone makes a pun out of that

hurley007 0

You suck, 124, I love Canada and you are just making it look bad.

lmaoatall 6

hahahahahahahaha win what a win

Only in Canada, the land of the confused French.

Should have pulled out ur Glock and sprayed his ass

You should have packed a nice ball of ice and pegged his car making a nice dent.... Then ran away.

Even better yet, pick a rock up flip him off again then as he drives through the water put a good dent in the side door. Then run for your life of course.

soonerchick12 0

both of those sound like a good idea to me!

KVKdragon 26

why go for a small dent? I'd throw that ball of ice through a window and then run away. the driver would be too distracted by the shards of glass flying every where to notice where you're running to

Someone was angry. Should've let it go...

mintcar 9

Haha, whoever did this is win. I would've turned around and did again for the third time for the LULZ.

holymolybro 0

Well played, sir, Well played.

twobig4u 3
mintcar 9

Haha, whoever did this is win. I would've turned around and did again for the third time for the LULZ.

Follow him home and kidnap his children.

lordcaliburx 0

haha. that is my kind if person. if every thing else fails then kidnap his family. then murder them. and then splash his bitch ass with the pool of their blood. and then rape him. okay so I got a little side tracked.