By lynn777 - 04/04/2011 20:42 - Canada

Today, I was walking home through the slush and snow when a car drove by, soaking me with dirty water. Frustrated, I flipped him off. He then turned around and splashed me again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 284
You deserved it 22 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunshinify_fml 0

At least you didn't flick him off a second time...

No, what was rude was the ******** who splashed him in the first place


I'm pretty sure I just loled at all of the comments! :)

mintcar 9

100, I meant 87. I'm sorry. Should've been obvious though.

jakester020 0

85 what a smartass lmao. # 2 has a little point though but of well lmao

I would've jumped in front and accidentally purposely causing an accident. Painful revenge, but totally worth it when you sue his ass. And you can smile at him when the ambulance comes... but nobody'll believe him. Why? because he's a criminal now Op, a criminal.

sorry didn't mean to add the 'and' in the beginning.

FMLsOhilarious 6

And you don't think you deserve it? Lmao, you totally do.

this is why Canadians should carry guns. You don't have to kill him just shoot out a few windows.

GeneralMotors 23