By jennyygrace - 11/07/2009 00:16 - United States

Today, I was walking through airport security when a guard began making lewd gestures at his crotch, while looking at me. I was outraged until I realized he was trying to tell me that my fly was down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 610
You deserved it 41 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doomking10 0

Here's a tip: Stop being stupid.

how else was he meant to show you that your fly was down? you should've tried to understand what he was doing before you call him lewd.


YDI for not dressing properly in the first place =P

@13, The fly on my pants goes down randomly. And since when is crudely gesturing to your crotch not "sick"? Sounds perverted to me. Everyone who said YDI, come out from under the rock you've been living in. How would you feel if a security guard smacked your ass, etc? Oh, no, 'cause if someone posted a story about that, you'd all claim it was a compliment. ******* sexist cūnts.

"And since when is crudely gesturing to your crotch not "sick"? Sounds perverted to me." America, eh? You make yourself sound like a douche assuming shit like we'd take a smack on the ass a compliment. (By the way, how is it not? Perverted, maybe, but and undesirable ass does not get smacked.)

unluckydavid 0

He was trying to tell him/her his/her fly was open, it wasn't anything perverted

Girls have a fly? I'm pretty sure this is a guy.

ejp916 0

#15 , girls wear jeans so yes they have flys.

bexox 0

Someone's never made it to 3rd base! Or we're getting a time-warped post from the 1910s. :0

pingpongpickle 8

lol ^ skirts have zippers too, retards!!

Sappho_fml 0

Why didn't he just say it? I'd be a little weirded out too if some guy I didn't know looked at me and started pointing at his crotch.

mcsnelly 5

Exactly! If some random person was just gesturing to his crotch, I'm pretty sure my fly being down wouldn't be the first thing I thought of! If the OP had wayyyy overreacted and started screaming and/or beating up the security guard, then I'd say YDI just for overreacting. But this is DEFINITELY an FML about the misunderstanding.

Don't really know why so many people think this is a YDI. Lewd gestures at your crotch is hardly a universal signal for someones fly being open. FYL, depending on how obvious you were about being outraged.

lol, well that sucks to be you, but that security guard is stupid

malcolm1919 0

Top three worst people ever: Hitler, the OP, Stalin

out of all the people and things at an airport.. WHY WAS HE LOOKING AT YOUR ZIPPER DOWN THERE?! haha

The guard should have whispered to the author instead of making THOSE kinds of gestures. FYL.