By Isabelle18 - 19/07/2009 14:14 - Canada

Today, I was walking to work when I saw an empty pop can. Angry at whoever left it, I kicked it out of the way. Turns out it wasn't empty; it was filled with hornets. I had to run 2km to work while being attacked by a giant swarm of wasps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 383
You deserved it 29 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were angry because someone left a can of pop on the ground? Lol. FYL about the hornets though, that sucks.

if you were angry because some one left something on the floor, would you not pick it up and throw it in the bin than kick it? which isn't solving anything. YDI.


evey274 1

aside from the attack of hornets/wasps... you are a hypocrite. you are mad that someone left it and kicked it rather than picking it up yourself? that doesnt make sense.

Brie_88 0

hornets are wasps... read the comments before posting!

lizzilla8297 2

stupid ass. hornets and wasps aren't the same thing. a hornet is a type of bee, a wasp isn't. YDI

You were angry that someone left it there, so you just kicked it somewhere else instead of throwing it away? YDI for being a lazy, hypocrytical douche.

DisappearingRose 18

You should've just stepped on it.

omg a whole 2km whatta run u must be exhausted

I would have crapped my pants and fainted