By kel - 08/11/2013 23:50 - United Kingdom - Coventry

Today, I was watching some episodes of The Walking Dead with my boyfriend, after recently introducing him to the series. A scene involving Carl came on, and my boyfriend said, "God damn. You ever give me a kid that annoying, I'll shoot both of ya right in the head." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 960
You deserved it 7 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The good thing about having a kid like Carl is that he'll never stay in the ******* house.


Carl isn't too annoying in the most recent episodes.

Hey! He wants to start a family with you, congratulations!!

Just tell him that there's one VERY simple way to prevent that from happening.

The doc's implying that OP shoot the boyfriend before he does. obvsly.

no #47 I'm pretty he's implying that since "he doesn't want have an annoying kid" that the op shouldnt give it up anymore

Sarcasm goes right over your head, doesn't it, #91?

He is very annoying. I'm not a fan of Lori either, they're both incredibly stupid & impulsive.

Andrea was the most annoying character of them all.

@30, Agreed. I know it was supposed to be sad when she died but I was kind of glad!

MichellinMan 20


30, I completely agree. I hated Andrea more than Lori and Carl put together. She basically caused the war between Woodbury and the jail group.

I really did not like Lori until about when she died, and even then I could only tolerate her. I still felt bad when she died though. Andrea? I hated her so much. I was so happy when she died! Carl was really annoying and stupid but he is definitely a bit more mature and a better character this season.

I'm not a fan of Carol. She really gets under my skin.

@30 & 46, Totally agree with both of you. Andrea was selfish and annoying and the actress that plays her is such a terrible actress! Not that they gave her much to work with. Andrea wasn't really a multi-dimensional character.

Well, Carol is gone now. I agree though. She was a little crazy

Carol won't be gone long. I'll make sure of that. *Loads crossbow*

I don't think I could ever hate any of them more than that ***** Lori

NagainaFier 16

She'll be back in some form or fashion. Now way Daryl's going to take that lying down, even if he does respect Rick's judgement in most cases.

seriously though, Carl did the stupidest shit. how hard is it to "stay in the house"!

@15 and he shot that teenage kid.. Even when he put his gun down. He's annoying and cold.

nicholicious 9

in his defense carl is kind of annoying sometimes...

Well it's a tv series fake so take it with a grain of salt

I'm glad more people feel the same way about him lol

Jst4kicks 16

carl is annoying as hell.. but hes just joking hopefully