By kel - 08/11/2013 23:50 - United Kingdom - Coventry

Today, I was watching some episodes of The Walking Dead with my boyfriend, after recently introducing him to the series. A scene involving Carl came on, and my boyfriend said, "God damn. You ever give me a kid that annoying, I'll shoot both of ya right in the head." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 960
You deserved it 7 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The good thing about having a kid like Carl is that he'll never stay in the ******* house.


I agree, Carl was a little shit but the "show" does that to see how he's now turning into a mature responsible young man. I love his character now. (: If your boyfriend has an annoying child it's partly his fault too.

emirie 21

Idk, the over the top "maturity" is a little annoying. He's like the typical kid trying to impress and fit in with the adults.

except when he shot that teenager for no reason :/

32- if life was regular without the zombie apocalypse upon them, then yeah, his maturity level would be annoying. But guess what? Their world has gone to shit. So much so that according to the creators of the show that for every 1 living human, there are 5,000 dead humans. That leaves less than 2 million people worldwide. In other-words, Carl needs to be mature. He doesn't get the luxury of not growing up quickly.

bayliebug 14

#69 -- Hadn't that guy been a part of the fight on the opposite side? Wasn't he surrendering because he knew he was ******? That's what I thought when that happened. So I had no problem with Carl shooting him. But maybe he was just a random teenager, not involved with the group who was trying to kill Carl's family and friends..? Someone tell me

78, the teenager had surrendered, put his gun down and started to walk away he was forced to fight by the governor and carl just shot him down as he was walking away. (this is when carl, marshel and the girl were hiding in the forest).

conqueror57 11

Like father like son. Both of those characters are horrible. I keep hoping they die even though they won't. But if they kill off Daryl, I'm done with the show.

ChaosBlitz 12

Shots Fired. You've been warned. :3

I mean, you should know he was just joking right?. I don't think he was serious.

emirie 21

He might be annoying, but at least he's good at surviving. most kids kinda suck at surviving a zombie apocalypse. I'd rather birth a survivor than a kid like sophia.

emirie 21

This is FML. Why are you using a freaking hashtag?

Why kill Carl? He's a great survivor. Maybe he is a but annoying, but he's almost 16 and becoming more mature.

out of all the zombie apocalypse he had a problem with Carl? lol I think he likes that show now.