By AGluckily - 22/03/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was with a group of friends at a bar, and we were all talking about whether we were moaners, screamers, or quiet during sex. My boyfriend said that he was a moaner, which I contradicted. Completely straightfaced, he said, "Well, I am when it's good." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 515
You deserved it 24 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My guess is he said that because you contradicted him. You deserve it. He probably didn't mean it though.

@ #8 and everyone else who makes comments like that; What the hell is up with everyone telling ppl to dump their bf/gf/husband/wife for the smallest things?? Did you know that it is possible to communicate with one another and discuss problems within a relation, maybe have alittle fight, make up again.. Bet you're all single 99% of the time!


I'm sorry, but that was funny. The obvious comeback...but still, what did you expect? For him to just sit there and take it in front of friends? It was a joke, and he responded pretty much how any guy would. You could have just as easily come back with your own sarcastic comment.


Yea I would have came back at him hard for that one! It is sorta funny but I would have had to let him know he needs to learn some "faking" techniques from you! that would have been funnier!

perfectphlaws 0

wow, that is kind of mean. I agree with #33, "Well maybe you should to learn to fake it like I do" would have been a good reply.

starshine3987 0

Then work on your skills or just plain try harder. Seriously, if it's true then that's a deserved comment.

Slicer316 2

sorry i clicked both i definitely meant YDI, A. you set it up perfectly for him B. you started it by calling him out in front of his friends joking or not C. Maybe ur just not that good lol You got owned just face it lol

now you know not to contradict him ha