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By uninspiredaspirant - 05/10/2017 17:28 - United States - Irving

Today I was with an old lover and during the middle of it all he had a heart attack and died, they found drugs and now I have a felony.
I agree, your life sucks 68
You deserved it 9

Top comments

Unless you've been to court and found guilty, you don't have a felony. You have a felony CHARGE; which, if you are found innocent, you can appeal to the judge to have expunged from your record. The fact that his heart will show damage from drug use as well as drugs in his system that is at various stages of metabolization, while your body is free of drugs, should be enough for reasonable doubt, as should lack of motive.


Unless you've been to court and found guilty, you don't have a felony. You have a felony CHARGE; which, if you are found innocent, you can appeal to the judge to have expunged from your record. The fact that his heart will show damage from drug use as well as drugs in his system that is at various stages of metabolization, while your body is free of drugs, should be enough for reasonable doubt, as should lack of motive.