By nosexlife - 12/09/2009 15:31 - United States

Today, I was with my seven year old daughter purchasing my husband a present for his birthday in a few weeks. At the register, in the very long line, I asked her where we could hide his present so he wouldn't find it, she responded loudly with "Hide it in your room! He never goes in there!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 679
You deserved it 5 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lancerman7449 0

this fml makes no sense. its not like anyone in the store knew what she was talkin about.

i honestly don't understand what this is talking about and why it's an FML...


My friend is a single child and her parents sleep in different rooms. She keeps praying that she'll have younger sister but she won't get one. We're 11 and i don't want to tell her how you get a baby. :/

wassssssssom 0

jeez they're only eleven #47... but how did #16 get on fml if ur not 13+?

Just because they sleep in different rooms doesn't mean they'll never have sex...

Don't really see the FML, since there's not much to be embarassed about. No ******* in a marriage does suck though. Work on that.

Thespade_fml 0

#20 yessssssssssss And btw it would of been more embarsing if ur kid said it visa versa.

dedalus_fml 0

^ Can't someone at FML nix this s**thead?

guitarman78965 0

Why do they have separate rooms? ______________________________

No one said they did. A lot of unhappy couples have the pissed person sleep on the couch.

Maybe the dad just works all day and comes back at midnight when the daughter is asleep and leaves early and has sex at night. Duhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CyclonePsycho 1

As I was reading this FML, I was hoping your daughter didn't say '******'.That was a pretty close guess, wasn't it?

Some couples have separate rooms because one's a light sleeper or snores loudly, or because of different work shifts, or for any other number of reasons. Edit: Err, this was supposed to be in response to #23.

whyowhy26 3

Oooh need some ice for that burn? Lol sorry I had to say it though. Hmm if you two have seperate rooms then its fine. If you guys simply arent having sex or spending time together..FYL. Pretty much means somethings wrong in your marriage that should be fixed.

xodsliceox 0

WOW. sounds exactly like my parents...they say they love each other...but yet...they never sleep in the same bedroom...rarely. FYL.