By lizownsvirgy - 07/07/2011 19:49 - United States

Today, I was woken up by my step brother trying to put his tongue in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 296
You deserved it 5 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

strawberrydreams 18

That's totally not disturbing at all.

O_O hey be lucky it was someone you knew.......even though that's still pretty creepy lol. sorry chica. FYL.


xAwkwardness 0

That's an awful and disturbing way to start off your day D:

cheerchickeey 0

that happens to me all the time. be lucky it's only his tongue.. it could be worse :P

skid123 0

i really hope your a girl datz pretty weird maybe he wanted to know wat it was like

cheerchickeey 0

happens to me all the time sadly... b lucky it's just a tongue. just sayin :P

if hes small then i guess its okaay , buut if not theen i think yuur steep brother needs a girlfriend!